Hostos CC English Department Community Site

ENG 110

Course Description

English 110, a foundational writing course, is designed to strengthen students’ composing skills so that they will produce increasingly complex and better-structured essays.  Reading and responding to interdisciplinary texts representing various rhetorical modes, students will practice paraphrasing and summarizing these texts, enrich their vocabulary, and improve their writing, revision, and proofreading skills.  Additionally, students will be introduced to the use of print and on-line secondary sources.  Upon completion of this course, students will be able to respond critically, in writing, to a variety or texts, integrating their own ideas with those presented in the readings.

Syllabus Template 

ENG 110 4 Hour Syllabus Template

Use this template in designing your individual English 110 course syllabus. The template contains the course description, as well as learning objectives and an ADA statement, that MUST  be included verbatim in all English 110 syllabi. Other sections of the template include guidance for how to structure grading and attendance policies.

4th Hour

Starting in Fall 2021, ENG 110 is now a 4-hour course. The slideshow below goes over changes to the curriculum and syllabus template as well as advice for transitioning to a 4-hour class.

4-Hour ENG110 PD May 2021

Course manager contact information 

The current co-course managers for English 110 are Professor Thomas Barber ([email protected]), and Professor Krystyna Michael ([email protected]).


Frequently Taught Texts

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, “Insulting Colin Kaepernick Says More About our Patriotism than His”

Isaac Asimov, “How Do People Get New Ideas?”

James Baldwin, “If Black English Isn’t A Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?”

Roland Barthes, “Toys”

Nicholas Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” 

Frederick Douglass, “Learning to Read and Write”

Louise Erdrich, “Two Languages in Mind, But Just One in Heart”

Adam Grant, “Friends At Work? Not So Much”

Adam Grant, “Don’t Like the Candidates? Vote Anyway”

Heather Havrilesky, “Why Are Americans So Facinated With Extreme Fitness?”

Ben Hewitt, “We Don’t Need No Education”

Neil Irwin, “How Did Walmart Get Cleaner Stores and Higher Sales?  It Paid Its People More”

Maria Konnikova, “How People Learn to Become Resilient”

Jessica Lahey, “Teach Kids to Daydream”

Tamar Lewin, “College of Future Could Be Come One, Come All”

Jennifer M. Morton, “Unequal Classrooms: What Online Education Cannot Teach”

Laura Pappano, “Learning to Think Outside the Box”

Anna Quindlen, “Public & Private; Barbie At 35” 

Ellen Bresler Rockmore, “How Texas Teaches History”

Barry Schwartz, “Rethinking Work”

Parul Sehgal, “The Profound Emptiness of ‘Resilience'”

Derek Thompson, “The Liberal Millennial Revolution”

Anna Della Subin, “How to Stop Time”

Moises Velasquez-Manoff, “What Happens When the Poor Receive a Stipend?”

Micah White, “‘Real Americans’ Have Always Been Rebels”