The English Department has begun an extra-curricular, virtual book club hosted on Manifold, a digital publishing platform that allows us to discuss the book in the margins through threaded annotations. Currently, we are slowly reading our way through Edith Wharton’s Custom of the Country, and are hoping to complete it and host a live discussion near the end of the Fall 2022 semester. We invite all members of the English department to join us!
To join us, first create an account with Manifold by going to and clicking on the avatar in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. Click on “Need to Sign up?” and fill in the form. You do not need to use a CUNY email address to create an account with Manifold.
Then, use this invite link to join our reading group, titled “Hostos English Dept. Talks”
To view existing annotations in the text, click on any underlined portion of text. You can reply to an annotation by clicking on “Reply.” Or leave a new annotation by highlighting text, making sure “Hostos English Dept. Talks” is selected as your reading group, and entering your annotation into the box.
Email me at [email protected] for questions or concerns!